Podcasting Badass: Podcast Tips & Mindset Tricks For Success & Monetization
Are you a podcasting badass? In order to have a successful monetized podcast, you need to have that confidence, strength, and fearlessness you’d expect from a badass. The best news is, you already have that badass inside of you, just begging to come out, and I am here to help with my new show, Podcasting Badass!
Your host, Sober Steve The Podcast Guy, knows what it takes to have a successful and monetized podcast- he has done it for four years to the point it’s become his full time business, and this series will let you in on one of his biggest secrets to success- it’s half industry tips and tricks and it’s half mindset.
You can spend hundred of hours learning all the perfect podcasting methods and how to make social media algorithms bend to your will, but if your head isn’t in the game, your confidence is shaky, or you question whether or not you are worthy of success, you and your podcast will fade away into oblivion before you see the results you are truly capable of.
I love that I have the opportunity to combine the skills and tools you’d expect to see and hear from an IFC certified coach to help prepare your mindset for success, with the practical tips and tricks on the podcasting formula for success from a Podcast Growth Coach Certification Program from Podcasting Business School to help my clients every day. Now, on Podcasting Badass, I will share how I help my clients overcome both the mental and emotional roadblocks that typically prevent podcasters from truly succeeding.
When over half of the new podcasts not making it past eight episodes, something needs to change with the way new podcasters are launching. Most of these podcasts didn’t fail because they weren’t good, they failed because the creator or team behind them was lacking in either the skillset, mindset, or, most often, a bit of both. Don’t be a Podfader, be a Podcasting Badass!
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Podcasting Badass: Podcast Tips & Mindset Tricks For Success & Monetization
#14 Three Podcasting Scams To Avoid!
In this episode, Sober Steve the Podcast Guy shares three categories of common podcasting scams you will want to avoid on your way to becoming a podcasting badass!
For more personalized advice, visit www.sobersteve.com to schedule a FREE Launch Brainstorm or Podcast Tune-Up session.
Hey there, podcasting and bad-ass is it's your host. So receive the podcast guy here with another exciting episode of podcasting bad-ass this week, we are going to be talking about podcasting scams to look out for. I know from the moment that I announced to the world that I was doing a podcast, I was instantly exposed to scams and I've been able to avoid the majority of them along my five years of podcasting, but I will go over all of them with you, just so that new potential podcasts. That's out there, or those of us who can be tending towards the more naive can look out for these scams and learn from our mistakes. So first I do want announce that I am. Accepting brainstorm and tune up applicants so that you can come on the show and receive free coaching. So we can talk about how to grow your existing podcast, or we could talk about starting the podcast of your dreams so you can head on over to sober steve.com. To apply today for either your brainstorming session or your free tune-up, both of which are free. You got a full half hour with me, and then the best 15 minutes of general advice will be turned into an episode to also help promote you and your brand and your podcast, either the one that's already out or the one that's coming. So it's a great opportunity for you to get some free exposure and free coaching over@sobersteve.com. I chose today's topic because as a certified podcast growth coach, I have. Been podcasting for over five years, I've been networking with and connecting with other podcasts for so long. I've heard so many different horror stories. And so I'm hoping to pay my experience forward and help save some of you for making the same mistakes that me and my peers have made. So let's get into it. The first one is the good old fashioned phishing scam. Yes, it happens to more than just a seniors being tasked to go out and get gift cards from Walmart. Us podcasters get fished as well. these are when you get messages from strangers offering something that sounds too good to be true, or they're trying to scare you. Either way. They are here to help you wink, wink. AKA not really. And so with these phishing scams, you'll find users on social media or receive emails from people with unusual, almost fake sounding names. Reaching out to you to offer, to help a problem that you didn't reach out to them about. So this would be different than listening to someone show about podcasting. Going on their website and signing up for their emails. If I was to send you an email in response to that, that would be something that you signed up for. But these are people who randomly out of the blue will just message you saying, Hey, do you have a podcast of what is the link I want to help you with X, Y, Z problem, whether it be getting downloads or listeners or reviews or saying that there's a problem with one of your, like a legal thing behind the scenes that they can help fix with you or. Offering to increase your downloads or social media followers or streams overnight. If you just give them some more information. And you might also get things saying that your name, domain, or something else associated with your podcast has broken the laws. And even though no actual legal organization is attempted to reach out to you. This kind stranger is looking out for you and can fix this problem if you give them some more information as well. So the gist of this is that before they even start asking for money, they'll start asking for information about your podcasts, which honestly, if they found you, they should be able to find, you know, if someone's. Messaging. My podcasting page asking me at podcasting. Bad-ass where all my posts are about my social media. Hey, do you have a podcast question, mark? That's a good sign of a fish because if they were a human who was using their eyes, ears, and brain, they would see. Yes, this is my podcast. This is my podcasting Instagram. You know, things would make a little bit more sense or add up and the, it would be a little more personalized. These are very fishy, random, like, just give us all your information and then we'll take care of your problem. You don't want to listen to them. Another thing that people will come and reach out to you and offer you, or that you could find online when you're researching ways to grow your podcast is there's often times opportunities. Companies groups, organizations that will offer to give you reviews for your podcast or downloads for your podcast. In exchange for money so you can buy your downloads and buy your reviews. Now that sounds great. If you can, just for a very low price to get you started for what sounds like again, too good to be true results almost because they are. So when you're being told that you could, for a hundred dollars, 200 download dollars, get five X, 10 X downloads overnight magically. You have to ask yourself. Who these listeners are that are going to be listening to your podcast. Are they your ideal listener? Are they your ideal customer? Are they the people you're trying to reach? Are they going to listen to more than one episode or is it one robot in another country who is like clicking re-download re-download re-download. So you really have to think about if you are magically getting in these downloads over night, where they're coming from and who they're coming from. And if they're actually the people that you want to be reaching, because if not, it doesn't matter the numbers because you're trying to reach the humans. And similarly, if someone is offering to leave you reviews and you can, all of a sudden have a couple of dozen or a couple hundred reviews overnight. I know for a fact that after all these years that apple podcasts, Spotify. Google all these major companies have systems in place to prevent that from actually happening. And so not only do you risk. Not getting the number of reviews that you think that you're paying for, but you also risk that these companies and organizations will notice that you are. Paying for hacked or fake. Artificial reviews and then you'll get penalized for it. And no one wants that either. You can't pay to find the perfect ideal listeners and you can't. Pay to get reviews over night. You need to ask your listeners and your friends and people who you connect with over the podcast to give you reviews and you have to use organic growth as well as inorganic to be able to help grow your podcast, to get more downloads you can't just wave a magic wand. Overnight, without doing something behind the scenes that you're doing, like upgrading your and changing your SEO. No one else can do it for you like that. And finally fake awards and celebrity guests. If someone is saying for just a couple hundred dollars, you can interview the celebrity of your dreams. You're dreaming, just. People will say that you can pay for these guests with big names to come on your show. You pay the money. They don't show up. Are you really surprised at that point? Yes. You need to connect with the celebrity or their manager and do your homework and your research as well to make sure that you are properly connected with them. Similarly, There are so many. Organizations out there that have these amazing awards for podcasts. All you need to do is pay us a couple hundred or a couple thousand dollars, and you've got an award. How exciting is that? Well, when you think about it, if you're having to pay to win the award, are you winning the award or are you buying the award? And if you are buying an award from an organization that's sole purpose is to give up, made up awards to podcasters. Why are you paying them to make up an award for you when you could just make up your own award for yourself at that point, if you want it to stoop that low. Unless it's an Oscar, an Emmy or something that you are nominated for by your peers, or you submit an application for, and you get handpicked and there's no cost associated with it because your content is so awesome. You can't buy awards. Those are scams. They don't mean anything in the long run. So don't waste your money. So with all these things you can't do. What can you do? And how can you trust people out there on the internet or out there in the real world who are offering to help you with your podcasts? Well, the two groups or two things that you can look for are. Paid service providers, legitimate service providers. So these are people from editors and producers to virtual assistants and social media managers. I prefer to be an all in one kind of guy, but I know friends who have a full staff behind them on their podcasts, where it's a person for everything, a person for their website, a person for this, a person for that. And you can do that. And especially the bigger podcasts with the bigger studios have full teams behind them. And so having teams that you outsource to be able to help you in the areas that you don't feel great about podcasting. As long as you are researching them and that they are an organization with reviews and testimonials and a history and a track record of success and policies and procedures, and you've known them. You know, those are people that you can trust with your business, where there's contracts, where you know exactly what it is that you're getting the service for and for the money and what the even exchange is of services. When it's clear up front, you know what it is that you're getting. That's great. And then you have coaches like me where rather than paying someone or someone's where teams. Hundreds or thousands of dollars a month to keep things going if you have the intelligence and capability, thanks to technology nowadays, to be able to do a lot of this yourself, why not? Have someone who's spent hundreds or thousands of hours podcasting over years and years. Teach you shortcuts and show you what they know and how to get where they are, but faster. That's the exact purpose behind what it is that I do as a podcasting coach. Full-time. I like my special approach of being the all-in-one guy. So you don't have 18 different teams handling and touching your show and your accounts and everything like that. So if you want more information about my coaching, you can head on over to silver, steve.com, but that is it for the three groups or categories of common podcasting scams to look out for. You want to avoid phishing scams. Pay to play scams and fake awards or celebrity guests avoid those and trust in paid service providers as well as coaches. And you will be ready to podcast like a bad-ass make sure you follow us wherever you're listening for new episodes every Monday, and until then keep on podcasting.