Podcasting Badass: Podcast Tips & Mindset Tricks For Success & Monetization
Are you a podcasting badass? In order to have a successful monetized podcast, you need to have that confidence, strength, and fearlessness you’d expect from a badass. The best news is, you already have that badass inside of you, just begging to come out, and I am here to help with my new show, Podcasting Badass!
Your host, Sober Steve The Podcast Guy, knows what it takes to have a successful and monetized podcast- he has done it for four years to the point it’s become his full time business, and this series will let you in on one of his biggest secrets to success- it’s half industry tips and tricks and it’s half mindset.
You can spend hundred of hours learning all the perfect podcasting methods and how to make social media algorithms bend to your will, but if your head isn’t in the game, your confidence is shaky, or you question whether or not you are worthy of success, you and your podcast will fade away into oblivion before you see the results you are truly capable of.
I love that I have the opportunity to combine the skills and tools you’d expect to see and hear from an IFC certified coach to help prepare your mindset for success, with the practical tips and tricks on the podcasting formula for success from a Podcast Growth Coach Certification Program from Podcasting Business School to help my clients every day. Now, on Podcasting Badass, I will share how I help my clients overcome both the mental and emotional roadblocks that typically prevent podcasters from truly succeeding.
When over half of the new podcasts not making it past eight episodes, something needs to change with the way new podcasters are launching. Most of these podcasts didn’t fail because they weren’t good, they failed because the creator or team behind them was lacking in either the skillset, mindset, or, most often, a bit of both. Don’t be a Podfader, be a Podcasting Badass!
Subscribe and follow today for new episodes every Monday on all podcasting platforms.
Podcasting Badass: Podcast Tips & Mindset Tricks For Success & Monetization
#21 Fall Podcast Launch Tips: Launching or Rebranding in September, October, and November
In this episode, Sober Steve, the Podcast Guy, shares insights and strategies for launching or relaunching your podcast before the new year. If you’ve been thinking of starting a podcast or need a refresh for your current show, this episode will help you understand why the fall is the best time to get started. Steve also offers tips to avoid procrastination, so you don’t have to compete with the crowded January 1st podcast launch rush.
Key Takeaways:
- Why launching before the new year is advantageous compared to a January 1st launch.
- Podcasting listenership spikes in January, but launching with more episodes prepped in advance gives you a competitive edge.
- Only 44% of podcasters make it past their third episode; don’t be one of them!
- Launching in the fall allows you to have 10-12 episodes by January, making it easier for listeners to discover and binge your content.
- Podcast listenership increased by 10% in 2023—this is a growing medium, and there’s no better time to start!
Tips for Launching:
- Start now to build content and SEO visibility.
- Focus on your unique voice and personality to stand out.
- Avoid the January 1st rush where many podcasters compete for attention.
What's Next? Need help launching your podcast? Head over to sobersteve.com to sign up for a free brainstorming session where we’ll discuss your podcasting dreams and tackle any obstacles in your way!
Follow me on Threads @podcastingbadass to continue the conversation and stay updated!
#Podcasting #HowToPodcast #PodcastLaunch #PodcastGrowth #PodcastMonetization #PodcastingTips #LaunchNow #FallPodcastLaunch
Hey there. Podcasting bad-ass is it's your host Sober, Steve, the podcast guy. And I'm here today to talk about tips and tricks for launch strategies or relaunch strategies for the fall season. This episode is perfect for you. If you are considering launching a podcast or have plans to launch a podcast in the September, October, November range, or if your podcast is feeling a bit of a slump and you're considering your rebrand and wondering the time to do so, here are some pros and cons as well as tips for getting started in the new year. Now, if your podcast doesn't exist yet and you were looking for more thorough advice, I highly recommend you head on over to my website, sober. Over steve.com and sign up for free brainstorming session. Where we can talk about your dreams of podcasting and how we can turn them into a reality while identifying obstacles and how we can overcome them. It gets a great chance to get you and your voice and your brand out there to my audience while preparing you for your podcasting journey. if that sounds up your alley, head on over to sober steve.com. But let's get into it. So when it comes to launching podcasts, especially around this time of year, I had talked to so many people who say that they are holding off until January 1st for their launch date, because launching a podcast as part of their new year's resolution. And that is when they're going to start. And I want to let all of you right now know that if you were telling yourself that story, that is classic level one, stage one podcast, donating. There is no reason why you need to wait until January 1st to start podcasting. Because while we hear stats that podcasting listenership expands in the new year and explodes, you don't want to be the new kids that the blocks. Because when you get right down to it, launching a podcast, any time of the year is hard. It takes a bad-ass to launch a podcast because we are putting our content out there and hoping it's well received. And there are already so many podcasts out there. Many of us feel that a lot of times that's another concern people had is there's so many out there, how can I compete? And you can compete by bringing your own unique approach and your bad-ass personality of what makes you special and unique and your voice. Different. Than all the other voices out there right now. And you put it out there in your podcast and you launch it and you publish it so that everyone out in the real world can hear it and fall in love with you and your message. That's the beauty of podcasting. It's why I fell in love with this meeting years ago and why I turned it into a career today. So when you're talking about launching, you're going to have competition no matter what time of the year you're in, but at the same time, You're going to have even more competition in January because so many other people are using January 1st to some sort of clever way to launch their podcasts. Yes. If you remember, from my pilot episode, I was one of those people I launched my podcast on January 1st, 2020 or 2021 was my first podcast. And, at the time I thought it was so clever. I've learned since then that when I launched my show, it didn't launch the way that I hoped it was in part because I was. Not. As advanced as where I've gone today, it's been a learning curve, but also because. I was competing against hundreds of thousands of other podcasts that are being launched at that time. If in an average month, roughly a hundred thousand podcasts start. Podcasts in January. I can imagine that number doubles or triples. And so when you have 44% of podcasters quitting after their third episode, as I've learned and read on Buzzsprout. It's already hard enough to succeed as a podcaster as you're getting started. And you're not seeing the results that you want. Because you're doing something wrong, at least in my instance, I can look back on when I started my journey and realize that. There were a million things I could have done better. And I didn't spend the investment to learn from someone who had done it before. So I tried to figure it all out on my own and it was a big, hot, sloppy mess. But at the same time, even if I had done everything right. Who's to say it would have been any different because I launched on January 1st with a million other podcasts. So how am I going to stand out? again, it's bringing your unique take, but it's also learning when to do these things because most people launch podcasts with anywhere from one to four episodes, I've heard some people who do more. It can be a little intense, unless it's a limited series. In which case sometimes that's the point of getting it all at once. But as a podcast listener, we love listening to podcasts. And another fun fact from Buzzsprout is that 80% of listeners consume all or most of every episode that they start. And we love more episodes. And so people who start in January and are launching with just a handful of episodes, the listeners that find you when they're starting their podcast in January, where we'll find your two or three or four. Episodes and be like, cool, I'll follow. And you'll hope that you keep them against all the other podcasts that they're starting to also listen to in January as they're starting, whatever resolutions or self-help journeys that they're going on. And so you then have this case where you're still competing against a lot of people, but the more episodes and content you have, the more likely your listeners are to fall in love with you. That's just facts. And so think of the difference between launching on January 1st with three or four or five episodes or having a good 12 to 15 episodes of the backlog already out because you launched in the fall before the new year and were able to get your content ready and pooled and be releasing regular content consistently for a few months before the new year starts, This way, when you have all those new year's resolution listeners hopping onto the podcasting trend and they find your show. A, it's going to be easier to find your show because you have more content published, so that will help with your search engine optimization. If you're using your keywords in your branding effectively. And then also you're going to have more contents so that when they do find you they'll listen to more of you they'll fall in love with you more and they'll become more dedicated, loyal listeners who become part of your community that you're building. It is so much better in my opinion, if you're able to launch your podcast in the fall, rather than waiting to the new year, because launching it in December can be very rough and very tricky. With the holiday seasons, but you also want to get the content out before the new years. So we are in a sweet spot right now. If you're listening live, when this episode comes out, Of when to launch your podcast. It is also worth noting that in 2023 podcasts listening increased by 10% over the previous year. Almost half of Americans listened to a podcast in the last month and 34% listened in the last week. According to a recent study from the podcast host. And so those are a whole bunch of numbers and facts that like knowing that half of America is listening to podcasts and the numbers going up every single year and that a lot of them start in the new year. You want to get going, you want to get ahead of the curve. And so by being able to get that early exposure and getting that extra content out, you're going to really give yourself this huge headstart when it comes to getting your podcasts out there in front of the people who are listening. Not only right now when they need it, but also in the new year when everyone new joins. The podcasting club. Now, keep in mind, if you are listening to this episode later in the year, if this is January or February, you are not screwed in there still hope. And of course, In the grand scheme of things, the best time to launch the podcast is right now, because. So many times people procrastinate, like I mentioned, You can consider starting your podcast January 1st as part of your new year's resolution, but let's get real. How many of you listening right now? Don't have a podcast currently. And your new year's resolution this past January for 2023 was to start a podcast. So don't procrastinate. Don't make it next year's deal because next year is a new year where you can already start the year as a podcast or with your content out there with listeners and a community that is already building so that when the spark happens on January 1st and people come flooding to their podcasting apps. Your con is there ready and to receive and be listened to all your target listeners that you've been looking to reach forever. this has got you really excited about launching your podcast. Or if you've been struggling in pod paddling a little bit and not seeing results, but you've been afraid to make a change. It's the perfect time to put yourself out there and make that change that you've been waiting to make. It's. The perfect time of year in terms of statistics in terms of mindset. Things are going to get hectic in a couple of months, as we get into the holidays. For many of us, that's at least what I hear from everyone during the month of December is how hectic it is or how busy they are. So you don't want to be that person who's busy in the month of December, and also trying to launch a brand new podcast. You want to have your podcast fully established and ready to go. Are you going to be fully rebranded with your new logo and keywords and angle and coaching style approaches to your episodes to really show off that you're ready to help your clients that are your listeners. And so whatever you're doing, you've been waiting to do now is the time to do it.
And if you need some help, like I mentioned, at the start of the show, my brainstorming sessions are a great way to take aspiring podcasters and talk about their visions for a podcast and what might be obstacles in terms of the concept while also diving deep into the technical obstacles as well that you might be facing and how you can overcome them. And if you've listened to this whole episode and you already have a podcast and you're ready to rebrand. tune-up that I offer is a very similar approach for existing podcast or sport liable. Look at your podcast and the cover art and the show notes and listen to it and give you feedback on how it can grow because every podcast, unless you're getting the thousand downloads plus in your first 30 days, chances are you're looking to grow your show. And even if you have that number of downloads, everyone likes to grow their show. And there are tips, tricks, and strategies I've learned over the years of doing this that I would love to share with you, whether you are just starting your journey or. ready for a tuneup. So head on over to sober steve.com for more information about my brainstorming sessions. For aspiring or new podcasters or my tune-up sessions. when you're ready to explode out onto the podcasting scene and make a big splash with your show. thank you so much for tuning into another episode of podcasting bad-ass I'll see you next Monday.